What Makes A Sustainble Economy in a Blockchain Game?
Previously, I wrote about Sipher. I had three big questions. Since then, some of my questions were answered.
1. How is the gameplay like?
To be honest, I’m not exactly a fan.
2. What are the tangible benefits of owning a genesis Sipher?
Not exactly exciting.
3. How will the tokenomics be like?
This blew my mind. The team provided a sustainable economy.
Have a look: SIPHER’s Plan for a Deflationary Economy
Potential Solution 1: Bonding Curve Model
Potential Solution 2: Marginal Tax based on Quantity
Potential Solution 3: Marginal Tax on a “per item” basis
Potential Solution 4: Manually tax each item OR item class differently, based on their prevalence in the market
Potential Solution 5A: Item Durability based on usage
Potential Solution 5B: Item Durability based on time (Expiration)
Now, read this: Axie Infinity’s Plan for a Sustainable Economy
“The only difference between sustainable blockchain games and traditional games is that players can put in $5 and get the intrinsic value, while also owning the assets they earn along the way, with the option to sell them. There will be some people who put in $5 and can get $6 out, and some people who put in $5 and can get $2 out. In both cases players can be happy with the result, as what they take out is just a bonus on top of the intrinsic value they’ve received (e.g. fun, new friends, assets to brag about). Ultimately, for a sustainable economy the overall average inflow needs to be greater than the outflow.”
A sustainable blockchain game will not allow all players in the game to mint something out of thin air and earn from it.